Paper for EuroChoices (date: 16/11/2004 )


Will the banana trade war ever end?


Hervé Guyomard, Chantal Le Mouël, Fabrice Levert, INRA and CEPII, F
Jahir Lombana, University of Göttingen, G


November 2004

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One key policy issue facing the world banana market is the choice by the European Union (EU) of the tariff on imports of “dollar” fruits from Latin America (LA) which would take effect 1 January 2006 . In theory, what should change at that date is the EU import regime, not the level of support and protection offered to the European producers and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.



Paper initially prepared for presentation at the FAO informal expert consultation on banana trade policy, 28-29 October 2004, FAO, Rome.